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How does positive psychology fit in?

Positive psychology is a new way of looking at things in the world of psychology, and is your guide to flourishing and embracing a more sustainable, healthier, happier life. It’s all about discovering ‘what’s right’ with you rather than ‘wrong’; shining a light on the positives to enhance both your emotional and physical wellbeing. By emphasising what makes life more fulfilling and worth living, positive psychology shifts our focus away from the negatives. It’s the key to sustaining happiness through a journey filled with meaning, purpose, and joy.

There are five main elements

Positive Emotions

Positive Psychology focuses on how happiness can be released from the positive emotions we have regarding the pleasurable activities we take part in, through our daily lives.

Engagement & Flow

When we are engaged, we are fully absorbed in a stimulating activity. We can be in a deep state for an extended period when we do something we have a passion for such as a hobby.


Relationships are fundamental to our wellbeing. The experiences that contribute to wellbeing are often amplified through our relationships, for example, joy, love, meaning.


Having a sense of meaning and purpose is often derived from belonging to and serving something bigger than ourselves.


People pursue achievement, competence, success, and mastery for its own sake and in a variety of ways often through tasks and goals. This can be through the workplace, sports, games, hobbies, etc.

How can we use Positive Psychology?

Frequently Asked Questions

One significant element of finding ‘your happy’ is through understanding how having a more positive mindset can have a significant impact on your emotional and physical wellbeing. Positive psychology focuses more on (as Martin Seligman who popularised Positive Psychology suggests), being aware of the ‘good things in life’ or what makes ‘life worth living’ rather than staying too focussed or dwelling on the past. It’s important to acknowledge emotions and trauma in life, absolutely, but balance that with focussing on the good too. Positive psychology helps retrain how we mentally and emotionally perceive situations in life and helps us focus on how better emotions can be released from five main elements. Firstly, the positive emotions we have regarding pleasurable activities we take part in, throughout our daily lives which can create joy, laughter, pleasure and, contentment. As well as positive emotions, engagement is equally important, so when we are fully absorbed in a stimulating activity that gets us into “flow,” we don’t even know we are doing it, time just flies by. Relationships with other people in our lives which have a positive, nurturing, rewarding impact on us are important as well. Some of us require meaning, in that we need to serve a purpose that is larger than ourselves, like when we do something which has an impact on others or society. And finally having achievements that we work toward can lift us, whether that’s completing daily chores or a Doctorate. Some of us have a stronger draw to particular aspects of these five pillars than others.

Happiology is the study of happiness and is based on the science of knowing how to create positive emotions. It also helps a person become more familiar with the triggers that lead to feeling unhappy. Happiology is not dissimilar to positive psychology, in that it focuses on a range of ways you can bring more positive emotions into your life, which create a more balanced state of mind. Like Positive psychology, happiology looks at happiness as a practice and not a destination. As we all know, happiness isn’t something we can feel all the time, but we can practice habits that have a positive impact on the way we feel.

The benefits of understanding how your mind controls your thoughts and your thoughts control your actions and the way you feel is fundamental. Adopting a positive mindset is significant for mental health and wellbeing and there are numerous scientific studies that prove this. Developing a positive mindset can have a significant impact on your life, as it can elevate and improve your thought process, attitude and behaviour and make you feel more content in the process. It also has a huge impact on some of the key areas in your life including mental and physical health, relationships, and career.

There is numerous evidence that proves that exercise improves mental health. It can be anything from walks in the park to triathlons. From the positive psychology perspective, we link how fitness helps create the ‘good life’ and human ‘flourishing’. Exercise creates a burst of happy chemicals and positive emotions which help with reducing anxiety, depression, stress and elevates mood. Exercise when done regularly increases our confidence, not just in the way we look and feel, but it is skill- building that makes us feel accomplished. When done regularly you start to become your best possible self. And when we find an exercise we love, we are engaged and in flow, we don’t realise where the time has gone. And this all has a positive effect on how we feel mentally and physically.

Anything that gets your body moving is good for your mental health. Physical exercise is even now being prescribed by medical practitioners as a form of mental health therapy. Some of the more popular exercises according to surveys are jogging or running, for releasing happy chemicals. Then there’s walking, and even better, walking in nature provides us with a double whammy of endorphins. Yoga is also considered a superpower, especially when combined with deep breathing, as it cuts through those destructive negative thought loops putting the nervous system into rest mode. Swimming, aerobics, dancing is also great. It’s fine to do any physically exerting movement you enjoy, but the key is to do it regularly.

Our brain works super hard all the time. It looks after our thoughts, movement, breathing, senses, and heartbeat, 24 hours a day. And the fuel we put into our bodies impacts how the brain and body functions, and this of course has an impact on our mood. So, eating high-quality foods that contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and good and bad bacteria helps nourish the brain. 95% of what is often termed ‘the happy chemical’ serotonin, an important neurotransmitter, which helps regulate appetite, mood, etc., are produced in our gut. The state of our gut therefore will determine how well we absorb nutrients from our food that travels directly between the gut and the brain and thus impacting how we feel.

It’s no secret that the foundation of strong relationships is built on empathy, positivity, and a strong emotional connection. These factors contribute to some of the happiest and healthiest relationships, connection being one of the most important. Positive psychology, for example, encourages couples to engage in small, routine points of contact that demonstrate appreciation and gratitude for one another. So, when you give a compliment, for example, it makes your partner feel good about themselves and you for the act of kindness towards them. It helps you reinforce positive views about your partner too.

This is a really common question. Positive psychology focuses on shifting our mindset and how we can think more positively, but it also encourages us to accept and compassionately create space for every emotion we feel, even the ones that don’t always feel so comfortable and positive. We can’t and shouldn’t shut off negative feelings and it’s important to honour all feelings and acknowledge them. Positive psychology helps us get more comfortable with dealing with uncomfortable emotions compassionately and effectively, leading to a more balanced, grateful, forgiving, and kinder mindset. Toxic positivity, however, focuses on finding the good and being overly optimistic in every situation, often ignoring situations that are not good for our overall wellbeing.

Menopause often creates emotional symptoms such as emotional outbursts, anger, mood swings, irritability, poor concentration, memory lapses, anxiety, and depression. It can be very difficult to separate which feelings and emotions belong to which event or biological change. From a Positive Psychology perspective, having a positive mindset and practicing any of a variety of resilience interventions are a great place to start. Some interventions include thinking positively about yourself, reminding yourself that menopause is a natural process, and you are able to manage the symptoms. Self-care, meditation, practicing ‘savouring’ when you are in the moment, connecting with nature and doing things, or being around people that help release positive emotions, are just a few examples.

Your guide

Finding happiness and inner purpose is fundamental to our long-term wellbeing. And we don’t need scientific research to tell us why being happy is good for us, but it does helpfully back up all the physical and mental health benefits surrounding happier people, including a stronger immune system, less anxiety, depression, and stress, less risk of heart disease and living longer. When we focus on our happiness and wellbeing we tend to have better relationships too.
Together we’re going to focus on several ways you can develop ‘your happy,’ to benefit you for the now and the long term, through incorporating mindset, fitness, diet, and relationship habits that start to become part of your subconscious routine.
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Positive Psychology focuses on how happiness can be released from the positive emotions we have regarding the pleasurable activities we take part in, through our daily lives. Emotions have a big part to play in how we feel. Put simply, positive emotions function as nutrients for our wellbeing.
When we are engaged, we are fully absorbed in a stimulating activity. We can be in a deep state for an extended period when we do something we have a passion for such as a hobby, a technique, or a skill. It can get us into “flow” i.e. when we don’t even know we are doing it, time just flies by, we are so absorbed in the activity.
Having a sense of meaning and purpose is often derived from belonging to and serving something bigger than ourselves.
Relationships are fundamental to our wellbeing. The experiences that contribute to wellbeing are often amplified through our relationships, for example, joy, love, meaning, laughter, a feeling of belonging, pride in accomplishment.
People pursue achievement, competence, success, and mastery for its own sake and in a variety of ways often through tasks and goals. This can be through the workplace, sports, games, hobbies, etc.