In this episode, host Dal Banwait brings us an enlightening conversation deeply rooted in personal experiences and cultural contexts. Dal chats with family friend, Mandish, a former TV producer. Mandish reflects on their journey as a second-generation British Indian woman who has traversed and navigated her way through life while holding onto her roots and...
In this episode of ‘Doing It On Purpose’, host Dal the sensitive and pervasive issue of abuse in relationships. With the help of Shaila Pervez, a manager from Roshni, a helpline supporting BAME communities, they delve deep into diverse forms of abuse beyond the physical, such as emotional manipulation, gaslighting, love bombing, and others. Shaila...
In this episode of ‘Doing It On Purpose’, hosted by Dal Banwait, The Happiologist, the conversation revolves around the topics of fertility, making unconventional life choices, and finding fulfilment in unconventional paths. The episode is a conversation with guest, Charny Sanghera, who bravely shares her inspiring story of becoming a single mum by choice through...
In this enriching episode of the Happiologist podcast, Dal, aka The Happiologist, speaks with special guest, Reena Anand. They explore the world of autism, focusing on neurodivergent individuals with a lens on the Black, Asian, and ethnic communities. Reena shares her motivating journey as the parent of an autistic child, while enlightening listeners on essential...
In this episode of the Happiologist podcast, host Dal speaks with her special guest, Natasha Riz, a natural born psychic. Natasha shares her fascinating journey of discovering her intuitive capabilities from a young age, explains various forms of intuition, and offers tips on how listeners can tap into their own intuition. Diving into astrology, Natasha...
In this enlightening episode of ‘Doing It On Purpose’, host Dal Banwait, also known as The Happiologist, dives into a real conversation about self discovery, healing and reinvention. Tracy Vadakumchery, the Bad Indian Therapist joins us to share her journey of becoming her authentic self and defeating cultural and societal expectations. From deep discussions about...
Host Dal Banwait, takes a deep dive into the world of Ayurveda with Anu Paavloa, an author and Ayurvedic practitioner. They chat about key Ayurvedic principles like Doshas, Gunas, and holistic healing. Discussing the significance of diet and intermittent fasting, they touch upon key topics such as blood sugar management, gut health, creating an Ayurvedic...
In this enlightening episode, host Dal, chats with Dr. Denise Freeman, aka Dr. D, discussing the transformational role of identifying and changing limiting beliefs. This episode dives deep into the influence of social, cultural, and personal factors on belief formations, and provides practical strategies to reframe limiting beliefs to lead a fulfilling life. Join Dal...
Welcome to Doing It On Purpose, your shortcut to reinventing yourself, with a few giggles along the way, for all good brown girls and beyond. I’m Dal, aka The Happiologist, and after 20 years of a lot of work, I’ve finally bossed this reinventing myself thing. As a self proclaimed good brown girl, I’ve uncovered...